CDNet - Community Development Network ACT
24Care Australia is an organization that was established with the sole aim of offering disability support and Services 7 days a week, 24 hours a day that puts the participant as a priority in promoting independence and progression in a safe and non-discriminative environment.
The ACT community sector offers information about rewarding and exciting careers with great prospects, providing opportunities to make a difference in the sector.
ACT Health aims to deliver the best possible healthcare and health-related services in Australia, through its public hospitals - Calvary Hospital and Canberra Hospital; Community Health; Mental Health ACT; Capital Region Cancer Service; Aged care and Rehabilitaion Service and Population Health, including the Health Protection Service.
The ACT Mental Health Consumer Network is an organisation that is run by consumers for consumers. Our aim is to bring about a higher standard of health care in the mental health sector, through representation, lobbying and active involvement in new developments in the mental health sector.
The ACT Council of Social Service Inc is the primary social justice advocate in the ACT. It is the peak representative body for not-for-profit community organisations as well as disadvantaged and low-income citizens of the Territory.
The ACT Recovery College is a safe place to learn about mental health, recovery and wellbeing. It seeks to bring together the strengths and expertise of the community mental health sector, the adult education sector, and the government sector.
ACT Together provides out of home services for children and young people who came into care in the ACT and carers from with the ACT region under the A Step Up for Our Kids strategy, and is seeking different types of foster carers in the Canberra region to provide safe and stable homes for children and young people who cannot live with their families.
ACT Disability, Aged and Carer Advocacy Service is an independent not for profit advocacy organisation. We promote and protect the rights of people with disability, people experiencing mental ill-health, older people and their carers.
Alcohol and Drug Foundation’s services are here to support communities across all states and territories. Our drug info advisors can provide free, confidential info and advice on reducing harm from alcohol and other dug use, treatment options and support services.
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.
Alternatives to Suicide is a peer-based response to supporting people who have made suicidal attempts or who have experienced suicidal thoughts.
We might have a new name, but we’re not the new kids on the block. You once knew us as House with No Steps and The Tipping Foundation – two great organisations, with over 100 years of combined experience, who came together in 2018. Aruma is here for the new age, the new world of disability support – the NDIS world.
Our vision is that all children are safe from the trauma of abuse, violence, and neglect.
The Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League (AIVL) is the Australian national peak organisation representing the state and territory peer-based drug user organisations and issues of national relevance for people with lived experience of drug use. AIVL’s purpose is to advance the health and human rights of people who use/have used illicit drugs. This includes a primary focus on reducing the transmission and impact of blood borne viruses (BBVs) including HIV and hepatitis C, and those accessing drug treatment services, through the effective implementation of peer education, harm reduction, health promotion and policy and advocacy strategies at the national level.
Red Cross mobilises the power of humanity to bring people and communities together in times of need, and builds on community strengths to achieve outomes in the following areas: disasters and emergencies in Australia, international disasters and migrants in transition.
Canberra Community Law (formerly Welfare Rights and Legal Centre) is a community legal centre providing legal services to people on low incomes or facing other disadvantage in Canberra and its region.
Canberra Health Literacy aims to help make our health system easier for patients to navigate, with health literacy information and resources for the ACT and region, for health and community services, clinical and allied health professionals – because health literacy is everyone’s business. Health literacy is about people’s ability to get, understand and act on health information in their daily lives. It supports better health and safe, high-quality health care.
A fair and harmonious Canberra community, which supports and celebrates cultural diversity. We provide support for, and develop the capacity of, multicultural community organisations.
Provides crisis lines, counselling, advocacy and community education to women, young people, children and men. Also providing specialised services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
CanTeen is here for you if you're 12-25 and cancer has turned your world upside down
Our role is to advance the way health care is delivered in Canberra. We address community needs by collaborating with consumers, GPs, clinicians and sector stakeholders to improve health outcomes. We are unique in our ability to support general practice and design services that fill gaps and deliver lasting improvements.
CRCS provides a wide range of high quality, integrated and inclusive programs and services to individuals, families, children and young people in the Belconnen and wider Capital Region. CRCS works with community members, local organisations and businesses to develop responsive programs, services and activities that support self determination and reduce social isolation. Strong relationships with government and other community services enhance CRCS’s capacity to achieve our vision of an inclusive, connected community.
CRCS was formerly known as Belconnen Community Service.
We are a community legal centre that provides free legal advice and assistance to people in the ACT.
We also operate the free Defined Benefits Information Service (DBIS) which is an information service for people injured in a motor accident in the ACT.
Carers ACT is a not-for-profit organisation and the peak body for carers in the ACT. Our purpose is to support, connect and empower carers to maintain their caring role and personal wellbeing.
We are a diverse, community based organisation caring for people in all stages of life.
Community Options is a not-for-profit founded and run by members of the Canberra community who put people before profits.
Community Toolbox Canberra is a community-led, volunteer-run tool and equipment library in Canberra, ACT, Australia, operating with the support of the local sustainability non-profit SEE Change. The library is membership based and, for a small annual fee, members can borrow a wide range of tools and equipment for activities such as DIY, craft, cooking, home projects, leisure activities and more.
Companion House is a non government community based organisation. We work with adults and children who have sought safety in Australia from persecution, torture and war related trauma. We believe that people who have survived torture, trauma and human rights violations should have access to services that respect, empower and promote recovery. Our Services are free of charge.
Community Services #1 (formerly Southside Community Services Inc) is a community based not-for-profit, that has serviced the Canberra community since 1987. We manage and deliver a range of community services including Food Pantry, community development, family support services, training services, children’s services and aged care. We offer a variety of services to support individuals aged 65 years or over in our community through Home Care Packages and the Commonwealth Home Support Program.
COTA Australia is a very active participant in the ongoing reform of aged care, providing leadership on reform related issues with government, industry stakeholders and older Australians and their families. We promote the rights, interests and good futures of Australians as we age.
Dahlia Homes is a registered NDIS provider/Nursing Agency operating in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and New South Wales (NSW).
Directions Health Services is one of the Canberra region’s most experienced community organisations delivering programs and services to people impacted by alcohol, drugs and other addictions. We apply a holistic approach to our work and can tailor programs to suit the needs of each client.
Diversity ACT is a community-led organisation that connects with all levels of society and government. We work for the community, forming partnerships that provide advocacy and support to connect, empower and build an inclusive and safe region for LGBTIAQ+ people. We foster this environment through learning from and celebrating one another.
Domestic Violence Crisis Service (DVCS) is here to help people build lives free from domestic violence and fear. We are passionate about breaking the domestic violence cycle in the Canberra community. For over thirty years, we have been providing emergency and long-term support, advice, domestic violence resources, and services.
Eyes for Life Canberra (EFLC), provides advice, counselling, and support services to people of all ages who are coming to terms with, or living with, a vision impairment or have an eyesight problem. We can provide advice, support, and information tailored to individual needs.
The Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE) is the leading not-for-profit organisation working towards an Australia free from alcohol harms.
We're Feros Care, and what we care most about is helping people live healthier, happier, better-connected lives.
Future Leaders in Progress, also known as FLIP, was founded in 2018. Today, we are a NDIS registered provider and youth mentoring service, here to help guide people through their unique maze of life.
We are a reputable disability support services provider in the Australian Capital Territory and NSW. At Glamour Care Services, we help make the NDIS participants’ lives easier, fairer and more involved within their communities through quality services that comply with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA).
Grand Pacific Health is a not-for-profit, primary health care organisation - providing locally-tailored, high quality services. Services focus on physical health, mental health, youth health, Aboriginal health & chronic disease management.
The HammondCare Foundation was established to support those in need and help those who face the hardest times life has to offer.
Havelock House was incorporated in 1992 and became the Havelock Housing Association, and today the Association is one of the largest Community Housing providers in the ACT.
The Health Care Consumers’ Association (HCCA)is a health promotion organisation that provides a voice for consumers on local health issues and provides opportunities for health care consumers in the ACT to participate in all levels of health service planning, policy development and decision making. HCCA works to improve the quality and availability of health services, supports consumers to identify shared priorities about health, and represents these views to the ACT Government.
Human rights are universal, and enjoyed by everyone in the ACT regardless of gender, religious belief, nationality, race or any other point of difference. The Act provides an explicit statutory basis for respecting, protecting and promoting fundamental human rights
IARC is a not-for-profit, specialist community legal centre providing free legal advice and assistance to people throughout New South Wales. As a community legal centre, our mission is to help those with the greatest need. Our clients are financially disadvantaged, come from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and often speak little or no English.
Karinya House walks with women in Canberra and the surrounding Region providing safety, shelter and a positive support network.
The organisation of Karralika Programs supports individuals and families experiencing alcohol and other drug dependence to choose a better life through residential and community-based treatment programs. Our focus is person-centred, helping you to identify and understand the reasons for your alcohol and/or drug use in the past, and working with you to help you achieve your personal recovery goals.
Legal Aid ACT helps people in the ACT with their legal problems, especially people who are socially or economically disadvantaged. We can help in criminal law, family law and some civil law matters.
For us relationships come first. It's more than just working together, it's understanding one another, making lasting connections and building trust. We help clients to believe in themselves again. Our relationships are strong and enduring. We also know the importance of imagination and what works but we are always open to new ways of doing things- from our clients, from team members. And we do so openly and willingly.
Lifeline Canberra exists to support people in crisis and save the lives of those experiencing thoughts of suicide.
MARSS' mission is to be a leader in provision of settlement and related services for migrants, refugees and humanitarian entrants in the ACT and region, in a caring, supporting and enabling way.
Marymead CatholicCare Canberra & Goulburn is the social services agency of the Catholic Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn, providing person-centred services across the lifespan, making a positive difference to those in need.
We are a leadership voice for culturally & linguistically diverse communities, providing services that meet community needs and which promote equity, harmony, social inclusion and that build community capacity.
To deliver on our vision for Mentally healthy people, mentally healthy communities, our work up to 2024 focuses on the following core objectives: to promote a national voice for those with lived experience of mental illness and for those who love and care for them; highlight the social determinants for mental ill health and advocate for lasting changes across the whole ecosystem, and deliver value to our members and the wider mental health ecosystem.
The Mental Health Carers Voice Program works with carers to create a better mental health system nationally and in the ACT. Our vision is a Canberra that recognises, values and includes mental health carers.
MHCC ACT is the peak body representing the not for profit community mental health sector in the Australian Capital Territory. Founded in 2004, MHCC ACT promotes a diverse range of community agencies and local consumer and carer groups.
MIEACT educates the Canberra community about mental illness. We aim to reduce stigma and discrimination, improve knowledge, and to raise awareness about the importance of getting help early.
Meridian has been advocating for, and supporting, our community for over 30 years.Today we offer a range of services and programs across Canberra.
As an independent, non-profit organisation, MSI Australia is Australia’s only national accredited provider of abortion, contraception and vasectomy services, and the country’s longest running provider of teleabortion. We are the fiercely pro-choice, non-judgemental, holistic health provider, supporting individuals to access their sexual and reproductive health and choices safely.
Multicultural Hub Canberra is a leading provider of services for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers and is part of a network of Multicultural Centres in Canberra and across SE NSW including Queanbeyan, Goulburn and Cooma.
Brought to you by Volunteering ACT, the ACT Community Directory helps you find services, community organisations and support groups in the Canberra region.
The NDIS provides funding to eligible people with disability to gain more time with family and friends, greater independence, access to new skills, jobs, or volunteering in their community, and an improved quality of life. The NDIS also connects anyone with disability to services in their community.
Our Mission is to have a society where the wellbeing of its people is forged through the voices of individual experience and recognises the value of community; relationships are characterised by mutual respect and dignity; consumers have impact and consumer lived experience leads the way.
Nicotine Anonymous ("NicA") is a non-profit 12-step fellowship of men and women helping each other live nicotine-free lives. The primary purpose of Nicotine Anonymous is to help all those who would like to cease using tobacco and nicotine products in any form.
Located in Canberra’s inner north, we have been providing care for people at all stages in life for over 30 years. Our long term goal is to create a vibrant and engaged community with a sustainable future.
OneLink provides information and connections for support services in the ACT, including services for families and young people, and services for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
OneLink is a key pillar of the ACT Government’s Human Services Blueprint.
Our Community is a world-leading social enterprise that provides advice, tools and training for Australia’s 700,000 community groups and schools, and practical linkages between the community sector and the general public, business and government.
The Queanbeyan-Palerang community and Council are on a joint journey to turn tne community's vision and aspirations into reality. On our site you will find information about council business and our organisational structure.
Established in 1987 as a local ACT business Quest Solutions is a Registered Training Organisation which caters for training needs of ACT employers in customised courses and nationally accredited qualifications in Aged Care, Disability Services, Community Services and Business, in conjunction with the ACT and Commonwealth Governments.
Raise empowers young people through early intervention mentoring, equipping them with lifelong skills for a brighter future – but we can’t do it without volunteer mentors
We are a not-for-profit community organisation assisting all Australians to build strong and positive relationships.We offer relationship support services such as counselling, mediation and relationship education to individuals, couples, families and communities.
Sanctuary Aus is a local child and family service, custom-built for the Canberra community by professionals with decades of therapeutic and management experience.
The Salvation Army Australia is an international Christian movement, united by faith and giving hope where it’s needed most. Across Australia – in cities, country towns and rural communities – our work touches every demographic and age group. We’re involved in national issues while also bringing hope to people who may be experiencing hardship or injustice.
SEE Change is a grass-roots sustainability organisation based in Canberra. We are focused on making beneficial changes to our Society, Environment and Economy (SEE) in order to live more sustainabllity.
SCoA operates as a network of settlement service providers. Our aim is to bring settlement service providers together at a national level to create a cohesive voice to improve collaborative strategic planning processes.
Sexual Health and Family Planning ACT Inc is a health promotion charity based in Canberra, Australia. SHFPACT's purpose is improved sexual and reproductive health for the Canberra Community.
SHOUT provides members with a range of services and facilities to develop and support self-help groups in the ACT region. Our office provides a contact point for self-help groups and will provide a point of contact to refer and connect people to organisations and groups through the web-based platform. Our members are: ACT Down Syndrome Association; ACT ME/CF Society; Motor Neurone Disease Association; Bosom Buddies; Brain Tumour Alliance Australia; Canberra and Queanbeyan ADD Support Group; Parkinson’s ACT; People with Disabilities & Prostate Cancer Support Group
The St Vincent de Paul Society Canberra/Goulburn (Vinnies) has served the community for nearly 100 years across the ACT and surrounding southern and western regional areas of NSW with a network of shops and volunteer conferences.
Originally named the Wayside Foundation, the Ted Noffs Foundation was established in 1970.
The Ted Noffs Foundation offers both residential (PALM) treatment for 13–18 year olds and non-residential (Street University) treatment for young people aged between 12–25. Noffs also operates programs for homeless young people in NSW and the ACT and Qld.
The Smith Family is an independent children's charity helping disadvantaged Australian children to get the most out of their education, so they can create better futures for themselves.
This Is My Brave Australia is dedicated to breaking the stigma surrounding mental illness, one story at a time.
We are a not-for-profit organisation which has been delivering gender specific services to women in the ACT and surrounds since 1982. Our mission statement "Safety, Respect and Choice for Women" is central to our goal of empowering women.
Tuggeranong Community Arts Association is a community-based not-for-profit organisation with a 25-year history. We pride ourselves in supporting your local arts community.
At Uniting, we believe in taking real steps to make the world a better place. We work to inspire people, enliven communities and confront injustice. We are responsible for the social justice, community services and chaplaincy work of the Uniting Church in NSW and the ACT
UnitingCare Australia is a national advocate for social justice, working across party lines to give a voice to the most vulnerable in our community.
Individuals can be referred to Victim Support ACT by government and non-government agencies and/or self-referral to access services to support them to recover from the impacts of crime.
Volunteering and Contact ACT is both the peak body for volunteering and the volunteer support service for the ACT, and the key source for the Canberra community to access accurate information on, and referral to, Canberra’s community services and programs.
Our vision is of a vibrant and connected commuity, where we work together and enrich lives. Our vakues are : Hope, Community, Integrity and Responsiveness.
The Woden Valley Community Council (WVCC) is a volunteer, independent not-for-profit community association representing the diverse views and interests of the residents of the Woden Valley district. Our goal is to help our community thrive and to be a strong voice on local issues.
We are a feminist service with a strong values base. The Centre improves women’s lives through specialist legal representation, support and advocacy. This is achieved by providing high quality legal services, collaborating with partners in the community sector and building government and community capacity to to better understand issues facing women and the value of legal assistance.
Yerrabi Yurwang strives to deliver quality culturally appropriate services to empower generations of strong and thriving Aboriginal Children and Families. This is an enduring statement of Yerrabi’s reason for existance.
Yerrabi is an Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation which means it is owned and operated by Aboriginal people.
Youth Coalition is an international organization of young people (ages 18-29 years) committed to promoting adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive rights at the national, regional and international levels. We are students, researchers, lawyers, health care professionals, educators, development workers, and most importantly, we are all dedicated activists.
YWCA Canberra is a feminist not-for-profit organisation that has provided community services and represented women’s issues in Canberra since 1929. Our mission is ‘We strengthen communities by supporting girls and women through our services and advocacy’ and our vision is ‘Girls and women thriving’.
Our mission is to improve the lives of women in Afghanistan and the Australian Capital Territory, through education and advocacy.